Mermaid syntax



Edges are the arrows and lines that make up a flowchart. They are used to connect nodes and represent the flow of data between them.


No text

graph LR A --> B


-- text -->
graph LR A -- text --> B

Multi directional

graph LR A<-->B

Multi directional with text

<-- text -->
graph LR A<-- text -->B


Open without text

graph LR A --- B

Open with text

-- text ---
graph LR A -- text --- B


Circle edge without text

graph LR A ---o B

Circle edge with text

-- text --o
graph LR A -- text --o B

Multi directional circle

graph LR A o---o B

Multi directional circle edge with text

o-- Text --o
graph LR A o-- Text --o B


Cross edge marker without text

graph LR A ---x B

Cross edge marker with text

-- text --x
graph LR A -- text --x B

Multi directional cross edge marker

graph LR A x---x B

Multi directional cross edge marker with text

x-- Text --x
graph LR A x-- Text --x B


Edges with no text

Edge type length: 1 length: 2 length: 3
Normal ---- -----
Invisible ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~
Normal with arrow –> —> ---->
Normal with cross –x —x ----x
Normal with circle –o —o ----o
Thick === ==== =====
Thick with arrow ==> ===> ====>
Thick with cross ==x ===x ====x
Thick with circle ==o ===o ====o
Dotted -.- -…- -…-
Dotted with arrow -.-> -…-> -…->
Dotted with cross -.-x -…-x -…-x
Dotted with circle -.-o -…-o -…-o
Multi directional with arrow –> —> ---->
Multi directional with cross –x —x ----x
Multi directional with circle –o —o ----o
Multi directional thick === ==== =====
Multi directional thick with arrow ==> ===> ====>
Multi directional thick with cross ==x ===x ====x
Multi directional thick with circle ==o ===o ====o
Multi directional dotted -.- -…- -…-
Multi directional dotted with arrow <-.-> <-…-> <-…->
Multi directional dotted with cross x-.-x x-…-x x-…-x
Multi directional dotted with circle o-.-o o-…-o o-…-o

Edges with text

Edge type length: 1 length: 2 length: 3
Normal – text — – text ---- – text -----
Invisible ~~~ na na
Normal with arrow – text --> – text —> – text ---->
Normal with cross – text --x – text —x – text ----x
Normal with circle – text --o – text —o – text ----o
Thick == text === == text ==== == text =====
Thick with arrow == text ==> == text ===> == text ====>
Thick with cross == text ==x == text ===x == text ====x
Thick with circle == text ==o == text ===o == text ====o
Dotted -. text .- -. text …- -. text …-
Dotted with arrow -. text .-> -. text …-> -. text …->
Dotted with cross -. text .-x -. text …-x -. text …-x
Dotted with circle -. text .-o -. text …-o -. text …-o
Multi directional with arrow <-- text --> <-- text —> <-- text ---->
Multi directional with cross x-- text --x x-- text —x x-- text ----x
Multi directional with circle o-- text --o o-- text —o o-- text ----o
Multi directional thick with arrow <== text ==> <== text ===> <== text ====>
Multi directional thick with cross x== text ==x x== text ===x x== text ====x
Multi directional thick with circle o== text ==o o== text ===o o== text ====o
Multi directional dotted with arrow <-. text .-> <-. text …-> <-. text …->
Multi directional dotted with cross x-. text .-x x-. text …-x x-. text …-x
Multi directional dotted with circle o-. text .-o o-. text …-o o-. text …-o
© Mermaid Chart 2025